Press release


SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA notifies all parties concerned that during the CEF – Energy Coordination Committee meeting held on 19.01.2016, the EU Member States approved the European Commission’s proposal to grant Euro 217 million to 15 key projects for trans-European energy infrastructures, most of them in Eastern and Central Europe, out of which 9 projects in the gas sector, following an extensive procedure for the selection of the submitted projects. 

Out of this amount, the European Union allocates Euro 179.3 million for the fulfillment of the first stage of the project proposed by Transgaz which was included in the PCI List 1/2013 ″Gas pipeline from Bulgaria to Austria, via Romania and Hungary″ named: according to the Gas Transmission System Development Plan  2014 – 2023 (TYNDP) - ″The development on the Romanian territory of the Gas transmission system on the transmission corridor Bulgaria – Romania – Hungary – Austria”  – (abbreviated BRUA) first stage.

The allocation of Euro 179.3 million represents 40% of the estimated eligible amount.

This first step significantly impacts both the company and the country as the BRUA project will contribute to the integration of the European energy markets, to an increased security of gas supply to Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, to the diversification of gas supply sources in the region by facilitating access to the Caspian gas, the LNG supply through Greece and Bulgaria and it will ensure the future regional access to the potential Black Sea gas sources. Thus, the project ensures diversification of gas supply routes and elimination of the energy isolation of some of the Member States.

Considering Transgaz major importance and complex identity at national and European level, the company’s private management, from the very beginning of their mandate, have endeavored to achieve the multiple tasks deriving from the strategic commitments under the company’s Administration plan for the period 2013-2017. Thus, by the Ten Year National Gas Transmission System Development Plan, Transgaz proposes major investment projects for the strategic and viable development of the gas transmission infrastructure in Romania and its compliance with the applicable European regulations.  

The medium and long term investment program, estimated to Euro 1 billion, is a major challenge for the company and for the Romanian energy industry but at the same time it is a strategic necessity in the current geo-political context. Taking into account the importance of strategic investments for the development of the national energy sector, so as to ensure a competitive funding of its most significant projects, Transgaz dedicated a professional department to European funds accession and to international relations.

The investment projects under the company’s Ten Year National Transmission System (NTS) Development Plan, are strategic projects to be initiated and implemented only subject to additional gas volumes allowing for a potential increase in the company’s asset base without any impact on the tariffs for the consumers.   

The submitted application consisting of documents which had been drawn up for over 1 year was evaluated by European experts and qualified for financing due to its quality, eligibility and scoring as compared to other projects, in full compliance with the requirements of the financer and of the European Energy strategy. 

The European co - funding of the BRUA project - first stage is a success due to the professionalism of the experts of the European Funds and International Relations department and of Transgaz’ specialists who contributed with their expertise during the entire preparation process.



TRANSGAZ submitted an application for a € 224 million EC grant related to the project „Development on the Romanian territory of the National Gas Transmission System on the Bulgaria – Romania – Hungary – Austria Corridor - Execution Stage I”

SNTGN Transgaz SA Mediaș notifies all interested parties of the approval, according to Order 136/14 august 2015 issued by the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (NRAE) of regulated revenue, total revenue and transportation tariffs for transportation of natural gas through the National Transportation System for the fourth year of the third regulatory period (1 October 2015 – 30 September 2016). (...)


According to the provisions of Law 297/2004 on the capital market and of Regulation 1/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission, as further amended, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA of Medias informs its shareholders and investors that the Annual Report for year 2014 approved by Resolution No. 1 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders held on 27 April 2015 is available for public consultation as follows ...

SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA would like to inform the shareholders and the investors on the meeting to be held on February 20 , 2015 with the financial analysts, the investment consultants, the brokers and the investors on the capital market. The agenda of the meeting includes the presentation of the unaudited estimated financial statements for the year 2014, as prepared in accordance with the international financial reporting standards - IFRS. ...

SNTGN TRANSGAZ  SA would  like to  inform  the shareholders and  the  investors regarding  the  meeting  for  the  presentation   of  the  unaudited  estimated  financial statements  for the year 2014, the Romanian language session- by direct participation, scheduled to take  place on February  20th, 2015, at 1000 o'clock, will be held at the headquarters of SNTGN Transgaz SA, in Bucharest, Calea Victoriei, no. 155, bl. D1, sc. 9, Jrd floor, sector 1. ...

Transgaz would like to notify shareholders and investors of the meeting with financial analysts, placement consultants, brokers and investors on the capital market, to be held on 18 November 2014.
The international reunion of the companies performing gas transit from the Russian Federation took place in Poiana Brasov, in the period 14 -17 October 2014, where the parties agreed to achieve, during 2015, the maintenance , cleaning, diagnosis and repair works to the objectives of the national gas transmission systems.

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market and of CNVM Regulation no. 1/2006, amended, SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Medias informs the shareholders and the investors that the ANNUAL REPORT for 2013 approved by Decision No. 1 of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders on April 28, 2014, is available to the public as follows ...